FRISCH Freiraum Intiative Schmelz
FRISCH wants quality open public space in the city of Vienna.
Here are our documents and strategies for the future use and of the “Schmelz” area in the 15th district of Vienna.
Main Members: Christina Condak, Joachim kräftner, Peter Leeb, Angelika Wolf
Members past and present: Benjamin Malfatti, Inge Paulusinski, Thomas Ratz, Edith Wildmann (former pres.), Evelin Dinev-Höß, Elisabeth Eser, Willi Fotter, Carola Hesse, Anton Holzer, Christine Janisch, Richard Schraffranek, Andrea Scheiblehner, Verena Schimak,
All fotos, unless indicated otherwise, all drawings, collages, and artwork are from NURARCHITEKTUR
Click on the buttons on the left to view the booklets.
Historical painting of the Schmelz
Historical photo 1932
Historical photo 1932
Green connections
Urabnize Festival 2020
Exhibition 8tung FRISCH! October 2020
Photo: Katharina Schiffl
Podium discussion: Peter Leeb, Sabine Gretner, Udo Häberlin. Moderation: Antje Lehn / Photo: Katharina Schiffl
Photo: Katharina Schiffl
Photo: Katharina Schiffl
September 2020 Demo organized by Edith Wildmann + Angelika Wolf
Walk with Maria Vassilakou
Edith Wildmann and Peter leeb talk with District Chief Gerhard Zatlocal
Talks again.
Photo: Johannes Hloch